Scott Family at Huffman Switch

This page contains links to pictures and information about the Zachary Taylor Scott and John Long Scott families when they lived near Huffman Switch, Tennessee during the period from approximately 1910 to 1925. [Z. T. Scott purchased 55 acres at Huffman on May 27, 1901 from several members of the Freels family, including Nancy E. Freels, widow of Jesse Freels.] There was originally a log house on the site of the family farm; a frame house was built adjacent to the log house; then an addition to the frame house was built and the log house was torn down. One of Zachary's sons, Russell, fell from the roof of the frame house during the construction of an addition in 1917 and died from his injuries. There was also a barn on the property and probably other outbuildings. It is likely that eleven or more family members lived here at the same time, although Zachary and John may have been absent on weekdays due to their work. Zachary was a land surveyor and John worked for a railroad.

The 1920 census shows that Zachary Taylor Scott, wife, and two children (Clarence, age 23; and Eunice, age 20) were living in the same house at Huffman with his son, John Long Scott, and Johns's family: wife Alta, and 5 children - Jewel, Caroline, Dorothy, John, and Bill). Zachary's other older children, including Edith, would have already left home. Edith married Addison Rudy in 1911. By the time of the 1930 census John's family and his parents had moved to Lancing. Three additional children (Russell, 1920; Bernice, 1923; and Alice, 1928) had been born to John and Alta by this time. According to the 1930 census Zachary is living with John's family, but his wife (Mary "Polly" Patten Jones) is shown living with Fred and Mary Saffell (her daughter and son-in-law). It is unknown whether she just happened to be visiting the Saffell's on the day when the census-taker visited or if she lived with them for an extended period. Both houses were in Lancing.

Huffman Switch was a whistle stop on the railroad connecting Chattanooga, Tennessee and Cincinnati, Ohio. It was located about two miles north of Sunbright, Tennessee.

Below are links to pictures related to the Scott family's time at Huffman Switch.


Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Taylor Scott in front of their home
Early Portrait of Zachary Taylor Scott
Children of John Long Scott and Alta May Clark:
-- Jewell (front), Dorothy (left), and Caroline (right)
-- Five oldest children: back row: Dorothy, Jewell, and Caroline; front row: Johnny and Bill
-- Russell and Bill, sitting on a rock near black walnut tree (ca. 1922-23)
Chimney - the remaining stones when visited in 1975 View 1 - - View 2
Huffman School class picture (1919 or 1920), including Dorothy and Jewell Scott